Friday, April 20, 2007
A sister post

"You're the opposite of your sister, you know. You seem to be the quiet type... A loner of sorts."
Now that's the funniest thing I ever did hear. One of my rare acquaintances at the gym told me that after having seen my
sister also at the gym the night before. He observed and compared how different she and I seemed to be from one another. While I'd spend most of my time alone at the gym, not really mingling with the people there, but instead, quietly minding my own business, my sister usually goes around chatting with familiar faces - especially now that she's started handling some exercise classes. She really has to be a people person. I, on the other hand, much rather that I remain a discreet gym member and proud support system to my sister who's getting more and more popular by the minute!
In truth, though, my sister and I grew up with opposite roles. She was always thought of as the introvert and I seemed to be the more outgoing type. I guess things do change, and I should say it's high time my beautiful sister breaks out of her shell.
This is not to say that I've become a recluse. I'm just not in the practice of striking up conversation with strangers, especially when I'm at the gym, concentrating on my work out routine, smelly, sweating, and all.
Labels: family
posted by mari_elle at