Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Written on March 31, 2011

Today was an extreme rollercoaster ride, it being my last day of work in Unilab. More than just a job, it was a second home to me. It was a place where I can say, without batting an eyelash, I truly grew the most. In my three years there, I learned the values of integrity, sincerity, good intentions, excellence, sense of urgency, humility, and the list goes on. Even more, it was also there that I experienced a turning point in my relationship with God, wherein He impressed upon me that He was truly my Source of everything. I personally experienced how true His promise was that if I sought Him first, "all these things would be given to me as well" (Matthew 6:33).

I had originally planned to retire in Unilab, it being not only such a great place of work and but also a place where I met the most wonderful people. I had it all mapped out for me there; I loved my job, I loved my team, I loved my leaders. But God said that it was tiime to move on and that His work for me at Unilab had been completed--the seeds had been planted. As I leave Unilab, I know God will make those planted seeds grow, and so despite my sadness at leaving my "second home" and the people I call family, I'm grateful that I got a chance to do my part there. In seeking Him first, He revealed to me that there are more places to plant the seeds of His love and more places to water them.

Though this season is over, a new season awaits. And from where I stand, it's a season of sunshine and an overflow of God's rich presence and blessings. I'm honored to be part of His work, and when He calls, I continue to say YES!

posted by mari_elle at 10:02
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