Thursday, December 13, 2007
Coldplay 2008 Album

I've just been reading about
Coldplay's fourth album which is scheduled to be released sometime in 2008. Now that's definitely something for me to look forward to! After an unofficial album titled Castles was released in December 2006, I had been left wanting. Someone even commented that "it's just a bunch of b-sides. someone decided to put it together and make it a CD called 'castles'... they even gave it a cover..."
Now, while I think that's kind of harsh, I should be an honest critic even to a band I adore so much. For some reason, none of the songs from Castles had the same impact on me as songs like Fix You, Swallowed in the Sea or Yellow from previous GENIUS records. Hopefully, the 2008 album will showcase songs that could blow a listener away (kinda like the effect Fix You had on so many people when it was playing on the radio like 100 times a day. that's how powerful a track it was, and is). I read that the upcoming 42-minute CD will have a different sound and even contain a song Chris Martin had described as one
"everybody should hear before we die." Now that is a bold statement to make and enough to wet the appetite of any fan.
I can't wait! And I will muster up every ounce of patience I have not to download the songs. Must... wait... for... the... ORIGINAL CD! *whew!*
Related stuff I've read online:
Washington Post
Labels: music
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