Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Add some color

I'm usually a very boring shopper. Not boring in the sense that I don't buy anything, because God knows I splurge! Rather, I choose items that are very subdued, classic, timeless... err.. whatever! I admit: my taste is a bit boring since I choose to stay within my comfort zone. I go for whites, blacks and neutral tones especially when it comes to footwear.

So, today's shopping spree is a milestone for me in that I purchased my first loudly colored yellow pair of flats. I never would have given it a second look, but my sister (being more kikay than I am these days) convinced me that bright-colored shoes CAN be an outfit's most prominent accent, adding more umph to your look. I bought these with much hesitation, and due to a strange mirror shortage, had to assess how they looked by having a photo taken.

Having let it all sink in, I must say I've no regrets about this buy. In fact, I'm starting to realize that if there's any time I should be more adventurous with fashion, it's now. And if adding more color, faddish items and bling to my wardrobe makes me walk with a little more spring to my step, then I'm all for it. I just hope I don't go overboard and end up looking like a fashion victim!

Ya'll know who that is! She's definitely no role model when it comes to fashion. But that's a whole 'nother story.

But on a more serious note, I feel somewhat guilty about enjoying a day at the mall in the wake of yesterday's events. People just never see it coming, but it does happen, at least in this country. Sad but true. :-(

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posted by mari_elle at 01:15
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