Thursday, October 11, 2007
Last Sunday, October 7, my family and I took part in The Main Event of
Body Combat. I'd initially planned on plainly being a spectator. First reason is that I'm not really into the program--punching and kicking and aggression are simply not my cup of tea. I also just wanted to watch
my sister perform in Body Jam and Balance, capture the moments through photos and video and take it easy; it was, after all, a Sunday. But when I got there, I just got so hyped up by the various teams in full costume that I, too, wanted to break a sweat. So, I signed up in the Open Category where we "Average Joes" could join the two hour marathon, punch, kick, jump, jinga and "keeya" and perhaps win an award or two. I was participant #241.

I had a blast and was in my full warrior mode for the first half only. Two hours of working out was just too much so that obviously disqualified me from winning any award, but that's already a given. ;) What I enjoyed most was watching the special performances of Body Jam, Body Balance, Body Attack and Body Combat of course.
Body Balance Beauties
Body Attackers attack the fat
Body Combat final performance
It was great seeing familiar gym faces, mingling with fellow health buffs, and for that little icing on the cake, eating a hearty dinner sponsored by Teriyaki Boy.
I'm glad I stuck around for the final announcements because my home gym won the overall award. I must give them props for their stylin' costume and their fierce form! Congratulations, Team Wynsum!

I'll upload videos and photos on my multiply account.
posted by mari_elle at