Saturday, September 08, 2007
Durian, my favorite fruit
Durian eaters are a rare breed of people. Though I myself am one, I personally don't know a lot of people who have acquired the taste for it. I guess it's because a majority of them can't get past the strong aroma of the fruit. To most, it's probably an "pungent odor" or a "bad smell". I on the other hand choose to call it an "aroma" and it's obviously because I love the fruit so much I can eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Needless to say, I was over the moon with excitement when I heard that there would be a Durian Festival right here in Metro Manila from the 14th of September onwards. I no longer have to journey to Davao to enjoy fresh servings of the fruit in their Kadayawan Festival, which happens August of every year when there is an overflow of Durian in all types, shapes and sizes. It's high time the fruit is introduced here and that more people acquire the taste. Hopefully, due to massive shipping when in season, the atrociously high grocery store price goes down as well.

For Durian lovers out there whose mouths are watering as they read this, I highly suggest you get your Durian fix from SunGee located in Madison Square, Ortigas Avenue. Prices are reasonable and you're sure the hoards of Durian are shipped in fresh from Davao. You can choose your fruit, have them crack it open for you and eat its fresh creamy meat right then and there. They even provide plastic gloves so that you won't have to worry about sticky hands (of course the smell still sticks to your clothes. comes with the territory! but if you're a true blue durian eater, you wouldn't mind the AROMA, would you?).

My mission now is to convert as many people as I can and convince them to get past the smell in order to taste its sweet flavour and feels its creamy texture in their mouths. In fact, once you have a taste of it, you'll learn to love the smell as well.
Labels: food
posted by mari_elle at