Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Been thinking 'bout

Yesterday, I failed.

I miserably failed a test of character. Lesson? Generosity. I'd much rather not go into the nitty gritty detail lest you all end up seeing me as a selfish miser. It's just that I haven't stopped beating myself up for not taking the opportunity to help a person in need. "Do not withhold that which you are in ability to give." Ouch! That commandment I know so well but failed to put into application just keeps popping up in my head. I should move on, though, and just be ready and sensitive enough to recognize the next test, and hopefully, pass it with flying colors.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately; reflecting on who I am REALLY. I haven't really done this in the past because I always found it so exhausting to make sound self assessments. However, I realized that the only way I can become a better person is to know where I stand and who I am at present. I'm discovering not-so-nice things about me--characteristics I've safely kept under the rug. Unfortunately, in this journey of self-discovery, I can count more negative rather than positive qualities. Maybe I knew this all along and that's why I've always been scared of making an honest to goodness self analysis. I just hope I don't get stuck in a rut. I pray that I come to a better understanding of myself so that I'll be well on my way to making up for my shortcomings and further improving my strengths.

Thought: What challenges will the day bring me? And what will my reaction reflect about me?

posted by mari_elle at 12:39
Heya! You alright? I see you everyday but I haven't heard you complain about not being able to help someone. Hmmm.
Yeah, we're such workaholics we don't even get a chance to chit chat. Good golly.
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