Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I read this interesting post online. It was from Lee Warren's blog and in this specific post, he wrote about men's tendency to detach themselves from drama. Having read through its entirety, I couldn't but think about how I seem to posses that male characteristic:

"...they [men] don't want to deal with complicated, painful internal conflicts."

A person close to me once said, "Marielle, you're being a guy again," when I was insensitive about her need to just vent and for someone to sympathize. I think I reacted with a, "Let's get something to eat and forget about your problem!"

I realize that that's often how I react to the dramas of life. Instead of letting myself drown in sadness or confusion, I try as best I can to shake it off, feign happiness and distract myself.

Then again, Lee Warren ends his post saying,

"I have a hard time believing that anybody likes to live in a world of continual disengagement."

He's absolutely right. At the end of the day, problems are still there which turn into ghosts I eventually have to face. I just kind of prolong my agony and increase my risk of heart failure when I get old (God forbid!). Sooner or later, I will have to learn to GO THROUGH life's trials and perhaps talk and talk and cry and cry and get annoyingly emotional about them like any normal woman.


posted by mari_elle at 19:12
Facing problems head-on and not acting indifferent takes a lot of courage. Good luck. :)
Going through problems instead of going around them is also the shortest route to self-actualization. ;)

-Grammar Gestapo
Does that mean I can bypass the other four stages of Maslow's hierarchy? ;)
I don't know about you but it seems sad that a description of a normal woman is "talk and talk and cry and cry and get annoyingly emotional..." haha!

Well, problems will always be a tricky thing, avoiding or wallowing in them, but the only possiblity of getting a good result would be to face them at some point...i guess.
(what happened to singing the kumbaya song? haha, kidding!)
That's it, Mr. Blue! Instead of facing my problems, I sing the kumbaya song and pretend everything's alright. haha! Now isn't that creepy.
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