Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I hate myself for not being able to update this blog more often. There are so many things I'd like to share, countless thoughts I want to expose, and even more mindless rantings/ravings I long to spill, but I just don't get the chance to sit still and take time to do so. I guess I'm starting to get caught up in the hussle and bussle of the working world. Now that I'm actually here, sitting in front of the PC, typing away, I might as well take this opportunity to share some more useless finds. Oops, I take that back! This doesn't classify as useless. It was actually quite timely when I first heard this song. At a time that I just needed to be an angry, sour-graping, and completely pathetic victim, I had this "mantra" to sing at the top of my lungs to make me feel a tad better. Yeah yeah, this will classify me as a mean girl. So shoot me!

Ugly Girl
by Fleming and John

When I saw you at the grocery store
you were sharing a shopping cart with her
and I couldn't turn and run away
I didn't know what to say
You introduced us for the first time
and I had to look her in the eye
but you could not imagine my surprise
can't you see you're leaving me for an ugly girl

Does she talk about politics
and all the stuff that used to make me sick
does she smoke cigars and stay up late?
oh she's so great

Does she tell you what you want to hear
and I bet that she can grow a beard
I'd feel better thinking you were queer
it's not fair
I can't compare to an ugly girl

ha ha ha haha the joke's on me
I feel jealous and I feel mean
is she so nice that it makes up for her face
there's no way

Do you have to keep your eyes closed
do you have to keep the lights down low
oh I bet you wish you had a blindfold
can't you see you're leaving me for an ugly girl

Not that it's actually something that relates to me. But it sure is fun to sing along with even when you haven't anyone in mind.

posted by mari_elle at 20:24
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haha! i know that song! are you bitter over something??? just playin, sweetie! YOU ARE SUCH A MEANIE!!!! (even if you said that you didn't mean it) appear!!!! miss ya:*
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