Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Bukang Bibig

Bukang Bibig... All I've been talking about these past few days has been my new job and how much fun I've been having with it. It's only been a week, and yet I feel like I've learned and gained so much already. Eager-beaver much? Perhaps. But hey, at least I'm happy about where I am at the moment.

I've also been thinking about how silly it is that people keep telling me how I will inevitably miss the bumming kind of life after a couple of months of work. It's silly because I've never really liked staying home, being unproductive. As a kid, I used to cry whenever I'd be too sick to go to school. And whenever official school breaks would come around, I was always too preoccupied looking forward to the day classes would resume to enjoy each well-earned vacation. I guess I'm a nerd that way--all work and no play. Don't get me wrong, though. I do like to chill and give myself a break, but lounging around is just not something I'd like my days to consist of. If I were to give myself time to rejuvinate, my R&R wouldn't be spent at home. My ideal kind of vacation is one filled with activity. Take me food-tripping, shopping, traveling, swimming, whatever! Just don't leave me to rot at home by my lonesome.

So, now that I have a job, a reason to get dressed and revved up in the morning, and more importantly, a tangible purpose for my existence at the moment, I'm absolutely loving every minute of being productive again. I've had roughly three months of my well-earned R&R after a rigorous four years of college. I've enjoyed it. In fact, I've had too much of it for my own good.

Give it up, people. You just can't convert a true-blue nerd and semi workaholic like me. But if you think that I'm speaking too soon (the naive fresh grad that I am) and that I just haven't had a taste of what it truly feels to toil day in and day out, then you're welcome to prove me wrong. Heehee... I'm only making all these declarations based on what I know and feel and am truly convinced of at this point.

posted by mari_elle at 21:44
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