Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Dizzy on a Sunday morning. Random thoughts at night.

I woke up earlier than usual this morning so I could prepare the traditional Sunday morning family breakfast. I got kind of dizzy, having had to fry, wash, scrub, and sweep before preparing for church. Thanks to my sister, I didn't have to do it all by my lonesome.

Ice-blended Pomegranate Blueberry Tea Latte. My comfort drink at the moment. I really am fickle-minded. It didn't take too long for me to get over the loss of Starbuck's FrapLight. Heehee... Besides, my loyalty has always been with the Coffee Bean anyway. They're always fully-stocked on their sugar-free powders, their shops are the most cozy in the metro, and everything (I've tasted so far, at least) on their menu tastes great. I was even more pleased that they put up shop at Greenhills. Now, their goodies are even more accessible to everyone. Happy happy joy joy!

I was just looking at my blog, the title, the description. It all sounds so cynical, gloomy, and melancholic. I never thought of myself as a drama queen. Funny... But I guess, even the sunniest personalities do have their dark sides, and it's all normal. Wouldn't it be tiring if people were cheerful and hyper every single moment? It pays to be sedate and contemplative from time to time, even if doing so may seem overly dramatic or sentimental.

Yesterday was an ok day. Ate and I bought a gift for Don before heading straight to his post-birthday lunch treat. Then, after a hearty lunch, we watched House of Wax all for the sake of seeing Paris Hilton die die DIE!!! It was crazy how it seemed as though everyone in the movie house suppressed laughter when that pole went straight into her forehead. Maybe we all went out to watch the movie for the very same reason. Teehee!

Miko, Don, Ate, and I had our day all planned out, or so we thought. After killing a couple of hours in the mall, we'd planned on heading straight to a reunion dinner a few kilometers away. But as the rains and the city's oh-so efficient drainage system would have it, we got held up by traffic jams left and right as a result of all the flooding. About an hour after leaving the mall, we were thankful enought to have arrived at our place of destination safe and sound, but boy were we ravenous! So there, we waited for the others to arrive, ate to our hearts' content, and chatted the night away. Well, not really. My sister and I had to leave earlier than everyone else because, responsible daughters as we were (who am I kidding?!?), we didn't want our parents to worry about our whereabouts.

I enjoy days like that: just hanging out with good people and being my weird self around them. But I'm starting to feel like it's about time I start seriously looking for a job. I don't like the thought that I'm just sitting around here at home, sort of waiting for life to happen. I have to start doing something... and fast! Besides, I feel like such a leech here at home. It's high time I contribute something of worth around here.

God, please let me know your will for me. I'm all ears.

posted by mari_elle at 23:01
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