Friday, June 03, 2005
Home alone.

This is my tribute to the short-lived FrapLight days. I wonder why
Starbucks pulled out their stocks nationwide for this low-calorie, sugar-free comfort drink. Just when I was starting to put Starbucks at the top of my fave coffee shops list again... Oh well, i'll just have to hope people will become more educated on healthy living. Then there will be a market for health foods and drinks. Boohoo for people like me, though. The health-conscious are indeed a rare breed. And please don't get me wrong. I'm not health-conscious because I want to lose weight. Goodness, I'd be reduced to nothing if I were to shed a couple more pounds! It's just that I wanna live long and strong. And might I add that I have doctors for parents. 'nuff said!
So, here I am, alone at home.
Ate is enrolling at
UP right now. Basically, all I've been doing these past few days is keep house, cook meals, wash dishes, etcetera!
Say it with me, everybody:
aliping namamahay!
posted by mari_elle at