Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Ditzy me.

Girls just wanna have fun. Mama bought me these. Now, if I only knew where to wear them since I'm such a household bum these days...
What have I been up to? Well, for one thing, I've been kept busy with household chores. Since our household help left for a two-week vacation, my family and I have to pitch in with the stuff that needs to be done around the house (i.e. cooking, cleaning, the works!). I'm not complaining. I love cooking for my family anyway, especially when they can appreciate even the meals I experiment with. So far, they're still alive... not yet dead from food poisoning. Teehee!
And believe it or not but I actually sat through Star Wars III for the second time. I watched it again, but this time with the family. Get this: Mama took time off from work to spend the afternoon with us and Papa put off the errands he had to run that Monday afternoon, just so we could all watch that movie together. I didn't mind seeing it again. At least I got to laugh at Chubaka's oh-so enchanting vocals.
Then, Papa left us girlies to shop shop shop, but thank God we didn't drop! Can I just say? I absolutely love
Market! Market!, especially their department store. There are so many good finds there, not to mention the fact that the fitting rooms are so spacious that Mama,
Ate, and I could try clothes on together in one room. I know, I know... I sound so ditzy, but these are the times I cherish. These are the times I get to bond with the women in my family. These are the times that we can just feel pretty and ditzy, away from all the hassles and stresses of life. (Men out there, you don't have to sympathize. I know I'm talking Greek to ya'll.)
So that about sums up my weekend, or long weekend that is. I'll be seeing my highschool sistahs in a bit. It'll be chitchat and
chibog galore. Teehee!
By the way, belated happy birthday to my sistah, Jamie. And happy happy birthday to my good friends
Don and Ian!
posted by mari_elle at