Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It starts here.

I've jumped onto the bandwagon. Everyone seems to be doing it, so I thought, "What the heck?!" I woke up rather early this morning (too early maybe... try 4am!) due to my dad's ridiculously loud snoring, and the even more ridiculously noisy grumbling of my stomach. I got up, popped open an Atkins Advantage Shake, turned the teley on, turned it back off, grabbed the laptop, locked myself up here in the attic, and the rest (as they all say) is history.

I have officially entered the world of blogging!

There was a time when I thought I'd never EVER post my thoughts online. In my opinion, I could very well do so in the comfort and privacy of my room, using the traditional, panahong kopong-kopong pen and paper method. In fact, I've been writing on journals for so long that I've completed roughly ten journals/diaries already! And I'm only two decades old. Yes, I've had and still have a lot of things on my mind that I pour out into writing.

So, here goes. I think I'll like this online journal thing. And maybe it will be worthwhile to share a few (a few, but it's better than none) of my ramblings with anyone who'd care to read on.

I'm going out this afternoon. That's a good change! I absolutely loathe having to stay home, doing nothing, frying my brain in front of the teley, checking the ref every so often, and feeling utterly and completely useless. So, til next time!

posted by mari_elle at 10:41
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