Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Beside myself

How can one go from being an almost-hopeless unemployed bum to a potential human resource officer at the snap of a finger? I am still in awe at how quickly everything happened. It felt as though I was just watching this scrawny, petite, naive girlie walk into a building, fill up forms, get interviewed by and introduced to a couple of HR people, and land the job all in one morning from afar, and that it was playing at 16x fast forward on a DVD player. Surreal...

Then again, I really shouldn't be surprised. I'd been praying for this for the longest time. I hardly expressed it here but recently, I'd been feeling rather anxious about finding a job--a good one at that! Staying here at home, just waiting, worrying, and wondering about my future seemed to drain all the energy out of me. So, for a while there, I guess I was a bit depressed. I kept the faith, though, knowing that even in the looOOOooong process of patiently waiting for life to happen, LIFE WAS ALREADY HAPPENING and God was paving the way for me. It took a while until I was able to rise above the doubts, sporadically slipping back into moments of desperation. But I did my best to learn to wait for God's perfect time. Then, just last Monday, I got the call.

I was in the shower when the HR manager asked for me. I thought to myself, "Should I ring her back? It might seem too desperate..." I shook the pride off nonetheless, and to my surprise, she actually interviewed me by telephone on the spot! I guess that went rather well because she invited me to come over to the office for a personal interview. I then spent the next two days reading about the company, studying interview tips, and praying til my knees bled (Marielle is exaggerating again.). Off I went to the interview at the appointed time and place just this morning. The rest is history.

No matter how much I'd prepared myself for God's answer to my prayers, He yet again showed me how He just never fails to grant me more than I could ever ask or imagine. The people at the company were very professional, not to mention extremely accomodating and friendly. The job appears to be a good venue for me to hone my communication skills, providing me with plenty of opportunities for personal growth and development in my chosen field. The company, in itself, is extremely prominent in its area of specialization. And the benefits! Oh, the benefits! For lack of better words to describe it, all I can say about that is, "Coolness."

I'm just beside myself with anticipation of what lies ahead. If all goes well with my medical exam and securing all the necessary paperwork, I can start on Monday. MONDAY!!! That soon!!! I'd like to play cool and say, "Yeah yeah, I've got a job... Big deal..." But I can't be a hypocrite like that, not when God handed me this blessing on a silver platter! So, though I sound like a crazed, hyper, over-eager beaver, and I may have already exhausted my alloted number of exclamation points in this paragraph, SREW IT!!! I'm thrilled!!! And I ain't gonna deny it for one moment!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, that I've officially scared you, my beloved reader, let me just end with this:

Thank You, Lord, for this blessing. I won't let you down.

posted by mari_elle at 15:54
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