Saturday, June 11, 2005
Sumpin' new
I'm currently listening to my sister playing (or at least trying to play)
Fur Elise.

And that's me in the picture, playing chopsticks. I think I just about have what it takes to get a scholarship at the Juilliard School of Music. Just teasing! Marielle can dream, too.
So here's the deal. Our parents came home and surprised my sister and me with a brand new organ. I have absolutely no idea why they suddenly got the urge to buy it for us, but nonetheless, I kinda liked the idea of having a musical instrument in the house, since number one: I didn't get to part ways with our old, beloved, classic wooden piano which we left behind at our house down south, and number two: It'll be an insteresting diversion learning how to play passed grade two piano lessons. I just hope that once I start pursuing this, I'd actually carry it out to completion, or at least learn how to play a piece other than chopsticks. This is definitely sumpin' new I can fill up my days with. Thanks,
ma and
The badminton group was reunited this morning, minus Joy and Gem, plus Miko and Esther. We enjoyed our customary competitive games and trash talking despite the suffocating humidity of the courts. And of course, we couldn't do without our traditional pig-out lunch. Some of us even went on to watch
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a movie that I appreciated far far more than I did
House of Wax. In fact, it's even unfair to the former that I'm comparing it to the latter. I have never ever been a Brad Pitt fanatic, but after this movie, I guess he's alright, not to mention the fact that Angelina Jolie pulled off the feisty female leading character better than ANY actress on the face of the earth (note: Marielle=exaggerating).
I was just thinking about this really close friend I just talked to, and I couldn't but get baffled at how people just seem to be so stubborn. I was as stubborn as he was, too, and if I only realized back then how stubborn equals stupid, there'd be a lot of things I would have done very differently. This friend, on the other hand, knows how stupidly stubborn he is and yet he chooses to swim in this sea of idiocy, knowing that he will inevitably drown. He needs help, and I can't help him.
That really hurts me.
posted by mari_elle at