Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Let it rain.

Another rainy day, it is, hmm?

You know you've been watching too many Starwars movies consecutively when you start talking like Yoda.

I'm spending another day at home because the rains are too darn strong for me to go out even just to shoot some hoops or practice my driving. Although it is kind of a gloomy, wet, dreery day, I always prefer the rains to the sun somehow. The sound of water pattering on the windows is quite soothing. I close my eyes and it's as if the rains are washing away all my troubles.

Okay, I'm having another "drama queen" moment, but cut me some slack... I've been spending my days at home too long that I've nothing to do but ponder on life and its meaning. My musings don't last though. It always comes down to this comforting thought: God has a beautiful plan for me. Even now, in the simplest of tasks, I can still serve Him. So, I should just carry on with the work that he lays out before me and wait on Him to give me something more when the time is right.

posted by mari_elle at 10:28
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