Sunday, July 24, 2005
My weekend
Mad, madder, maddest. Apparently, I'd get the award for "Most Believable Facial Expression" if there were one. My sister looks constipated, while Courtney just looks plain scared. It was supposed to be an angry shot. But look closely and you'll see hints of suppressed laughter in my face as well.<

We three gals have been trying to spend as much time with each other as my schedule would permit. Thank goodness I'll be staying home tomorrow. It's gonna be a holiday, but despite how happy I am that I'll be given the chance to sleep in and spend time with my family, I can't but be a little worried about what may take place, given our nation's political state. It's almost like there's this impending doom of chaos. But that's just my pessimistic side talking. I know God's in charge. So, I'll just enjoy the holiday, have a mad cooking session with my sis and cousin, and prepare a hearty picnic lunch for my parents.
Speaking of my parents, I bought new shoes for Mama today. They're the prettiest, poshest pair I've ever seen. And the most comfortable, I might add!

Without much choosing and contemplation, we both agreed (despite its price that soars up to the high heavens) that "It's a buy!" My mama deserves the treat.

As for Papa dearest, Ate, Mama, and I queer-eyed him by helping choose polo shirts that made him look like the dashing doctor he's supposed to be. He needs a wardrobe makeover, so we convinced him to spend my gift money on apparel, and for crying out loud, not HARDWARE!

This shopping spree is only the beginning. They deserve so much more than I can ever give them, but that doesn't mean I can't keep doing little things to make life a little more comfortable for them. I owe them that much. Material gifts though they may be, I feel they still symbolize my appreciation for the fact that they sacrificed so much for both me and my sister.
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