Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Thursday, August 11, 2005


My cousin and I had another Desperate Housewives marathon tonight. I couldn't but get annoyed at the Susan character for "bringin the drama in..." (directly quoting from the show) every friggin' opportunity she gets.

I hate sadness, misery, and anything that complicates. To be carefree and happy is what people should strive for even when life is seemingly gloomy, more so, when there's clearly nothing to sulk about! It's so annoying how some people feel like they carry the world on their shoulders. Actually, MOST people tend to thrive on that "woe is me" attitude about life. It seems people feed on drama, so much so that even when life is quiet and stressfree, they always find something to get eaten up about. Why is that? Can't we all just be happy, gather around a campfire, and sway together while singing the kumbaya song?

Come on, people!!! Life ain't that complicated!!!

So, here I am getting all heated up about a fictional character on a TV show. Who's the drama queen now?

posted by mari_elle at 22:10
hmm...somehow, sitting around a campfire singing the kumbaya song fills me with dread, hehe. I dunno...I guess that makes me an advocate of the "woe is me" club! :)
oh yeah, this is by the way, hehe...
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