Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Courtney, my sister, and I have had our noses stuck in books this past week. I survived the whole week more broke than I have ever been my entire life. Why? I spent the rest of my salary on books. Blame it on National and Powerbooks for going on sale. How did I survive? The brown bag method (translation: BAON!).

However, unlike many of my material splurges (clothes, foodtrips, etc...), I don't in the least bit feel guilty about spending my money on a whim like I did last Friday. In fact, I plan to go back for some more good reads as soon as the next pay day comes around. Somebody stop me!!!

posted by mari_elle at 20:37
ako din nagbabaon! pero naggogrocery din ako, so ganun din, hehe.
honey, nothing's wrong with bringing the brown bag to work! it's called economizing just so you could use your money on more useful things. books for you.. and clothes for me! teehee.. miss you! we have to get together soon! oh by the way, i bumped into jamie last friday. i scared the hell out of her... she was so surprised!:D love ya:*
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