Thursday, March 29, 2007
Counting the hours

11 hours to go and I'm off to
Palawan. Guys, wish me luck. I'm hoping I come back with a legit golden tan and not with lobster red skin that would just peel off within several days.
I'm really thankful that my mom scheduled this vacay on a whim. I didn't even get a chance to shop for a new bikini and other beach gear I might need. Then again, the package is so good all we have to bring is ourselves (plus our swimsuits since it's no nude beach we're going to... gasp!).
I need this R&R. I need to spend time with my family. We need to reconnect after being so preoccupied with our individual lives. While I'm at that, it wouldn't hurt to tan this pale tail of mine.
Labels: family, vacation
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Friday, March 23, 2007
Corinne Bailey Ray
My colleague graciously shared a copy of
Corinne Bailey Ray's album with me yesterday. I'd already seen her grammy performance alongside the two Johns, Legend and Mayer, and I was nothing short of impressed by her unique, classic sound. I hadn't had the chance to purchase the album, so the minute I got home, I popped in the CD and allowed Corinne's one-of-a-kind stylized tunes to sing me to sleep.
I'm such a huge fan of
John Legend as well. I almost died of depression when I heard that he was going to Hong Kong, but didn't extend his tour to the Philippines. So, I'm not too sure if it'd be fair to either artists when I say that they're each the male/female version of one another, if you know what I mean. That's just an over-simplified way of saying that I equally admire them both as artists.
Their songs make one wanna fall in love, and coming from me, that's saying a lot.
My personal fave? Her track titled
Trouble Sleeping. Now, at some point, haven't we all been through what she describes in that song? Oh that giddy feeling and the sleepless nights.
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
When I moved on from my teen years and turned 20 two years ago, I came to terms with the fact that I was no longer a teenager rather easily. Now, I feel like regressing. After two years, I realize how much I prefer being a teen and getting away with all my silliness and immaturity just because. I therefore officially pronounce that I just recently turned twenTEEN-two on my birthday last March 9. How's that for pushing it?
The fuchsia motif of my 22nd birthday party last Sunday intimidated a lot of my guests. The statue centerpiece of the buffet table, flower arrangements, and round tables adorned with big bright fuchsia ribbons threw them off completely. They felt underdressed, but I assured them that the decor just happened to come with the catering service since my mom didn't want to hassle herself with cooking for the "simple get together" I asked for.

It was still a simple get together, though it looked somewhat like a debut, with that pink explosion and all. I'd like to think I could pass for an 18 year old, right? RIGHT?!? Heeheehee...
Here's a shout out to all those who made it to my dinner party! Thanks, guys, for going out of your way, especially to the sole representative of my high school gang,
Bianca. And if not for
Ellaine, John,
Don, and
Ron, who stayed up til the wee wee hours of the morning, my celebration would have turned into a boring eat-and-run bash. Our musings and munchings (spicy peanuts and coke lite; no one touched the wine and brandy in this party) went on and on until a little past 4:00 am.
It goes without saying that I had fun. Getting people I care about gathered together is priceless. My birthday wish is that I meet even more individuals who would mean something to me and in return, make an impact on as well. I've recently been making rather shallow acquaintances. It's high time I start reaching out again. Wonder what awaits me this year now that I decide to be more open. I hope good things
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007
"It takes a special person to learn from the mistakes of others."One of the smartest women I know once said after I'd shared with her the bitter lessons I'd learned from pursuing the wrong relationship with the wrong guy at the wrong time. I wasn't one of those special people. I made my own mistake, but thankfully, I learned from it.
That's human nature, I guess. We just have to try things out and run all risks for ourselves. If you heed other people's advice, learn from their mistakes, and live life free from all the consequences of wrong decisions made in the past, you are an exception to the rule.
I hope that smart woman proves she's not only intelligent, but is also one of those special people she spoke of.
posted by mari_elle at
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Mental Notes
It won't be for another three years until I go back to
LTO and renew my license. I have to make these mental notes until then:
1. By all means, never again wear spags or anything that shows so much as an inch of my skin below the neck. Yes, despite the un-airconditioned, outdoor waiting area of the LTO, ladies must cover up because the only authorized venues for the prerequisite medical examinations are located across the street from the office... in the slums! Unless, of course, you enjoy the catcalls and ogling eyes of um... never mind...
those kinds of people. Ya'll know what I mean.
2. Wear something with a collar. It will help me me look decent on my license card. And "decent" is as good as it gets because most, if not all, license photos end up looking like mugshots. It can't be helped! The photographer (if that employee can even rightfully be given the title) only goes as far as telling you where to fix your gaze and probably finds it too exhausting to think of a simple way to let us know WHEN the photo is being taken.
3. Make sure to start by 8:00am. That way, minimum waiting time will be only 45 minutes before issuance of the new mugshot...err... license card. It's still quite a wait, isn't it? That does not include the 30 minutes medical exam prior to application for renewal.
4. Bring moolah. P250 for the medical exams (yes, in the slums. how's that for quality services?) including P50 for eye exam, etc.; P200++ for the whole renewal fee at LTO; Lotsa pocket money for a happy drink/food at the end of it all.
Seriously, why can't we improve these services? WHY? WHY? WHY?!?
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