Tuesday, October 24, 2006
"mean-girl" (v)
If you haven't been kept in isolation these past few years, then you should be familiar with the chick-flick/teen-movie
Mean Girls. The movie was a hit, and correct me if I'm wrong but it wasn't just entertainment for the girly girls. People who didn't fall under that category appreciated the film probably because at some point, everyone could relate with the characters there.
I was once "mean-girled" (
verb) way back during my schooldays. But I can't be a hypocrite and say that I never "mean-girled" an innocent person in the past. I inadvertently did my share of it, but I'd like to think we all grow out of it. At least I hope I did.
I know, I know... It's kinda lame of me to coin a term and make those two words a predicate, but it's one of my
marielle-isms. Somehow, no English word can capture the essense of how chicks back-bite, gossip, and eventually end up in little (or earth-shaking) catfights.
Funny how it's as real in the office as it was in high school.

I guess everywhere you go, you can always find high school "plastiks", workplace "back-biters", and the typical nosy neighborhood "gossip".

People just can't grow up sometimes.
So, have you ever been mean-girled? Or was it you mean-girling others?
posted by mari_elle at