Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Monday, August 14, 2006


Isn't baby McDo the cutest? At the monthly birthday blowout held in the office, Ellaine and I just HAD to have our picture taken with the cutie. Baby McDo actually looked quite endearing unlike the usual creepy, clown-faced McDonald that's normally seen making appearances in kiddie parties. I didn't really get that. Aren't a lot of children terrified of clowns?

That's probably why they thought to make a less threatening, kid-friendly mascot. Teehee...

posted by mari_elle at 20:19
Do they really call that mascot, "Baby Mcdo"? He's adorable! Haha!:p Cute nga sya!:) Dapat you took it home na Te Pung. Haha! I feel a Mcdo party coming up... (Sino kaya yun?:O)
ooh, did you say part-ey!?! invite mo naman ako diyan! teehee...
mmmmmmMcNuggets! :D
ah so baby mcdo pala pangalan nun. hehe
oops, kid. i just found out that "kid mcdo" pala yung name niya. hehehe...
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