Saturday, June 24, 2006
1:40 am
I'm uncharacteristically awake at this hour. My bedtime normally begins around 10 - 11 pm. I know, I know. It's dorky early for my age, but hey, I do have to get up to go to the gym at 6 am! So much for being defensive. I do have a point.
Everyone has hit the sack. The moon is out and the night air is still. What does little Marielle do now? Hmmm...
For lack of anything interesting to keep me entertained while I wait for sleepiness to come upn me, I found myself doing what I swore I wouldn't in a million years. I totally stalked an old "friend" over the internet. With the advent of friendster and blogsites, the opportunity to spy around was just too overwhelming. So, I clicked away.
Hmph... That friend hasn't changed. I even wonder why I wasted my late night energy snooping on such a person. In fact, I'm regretting it already.
Yikes... I'm worried I might get tracked. The thought of this person knowing I've been looking around is just absolutely mortifying. It cannot be known that I was even remotely interested in updating myself with this person's life at this point. It'll just feed an already ginormous ego. Gosh, it's also just my pride talking, or maybe a tinge of paranoia stemming from the drowsiness that swept over me like a dark cloud as I started writing this paragraph.
I must admit, though. This stalking business has been quite fun. Maybe I should get myself one of these:

It may come in handy one of these days when I find myself bored and staring blankly at the computer screen in the wee hours of the morning. Hehehe!
Goodnight errrr g'morning, folks!
posted by mari_elle at