Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Saturday, May 06, 2006


I stayed up really late last night just chatting with an officemate, Ellaine. We were both getting ourselves all hyped up for a possible trip/vacation to Boracay in the coming months. After that long and lovely weekend in Puerto Galera with the rest of the HR gals, we'd both been suffering from a vacation hangover so intense we just kept daydreaming and reminiscing about the laid-back lifestyle we had for but three days. To think that the others got over it so quickly and we were still so hung up.

This makes me realize, though, how shallow I am. Well, maybe not me, but my dreams. Recently, all I find myself getting preoccupied with are the things that don't really have any lasting, significant implications in my life, as well as in others'. I know I'm made for so much more than this.

If I take a look back at how I used to be, say, two years ago, I'd see a girl, a very naive girl, but one who wasn't afraid to dream big. I'd kept myself busy with activities both in my academics and more importantly in my Spiritual life. I was working towards something, striving to reach that greater goal, and living with a strong sense of purpose. Life, though simple, was exciting because I felt I was securely walking on a fixed path towards God's great blessing. But now, I catch myself seeking ways to add a little spice into this life I often find so dull and dreary. It goes without saying, though, that I end up unsuccessful and back where I started: the void still empty and my heart still seeking.

Maybe age and experience (not that I have that much to boast of) have taught me to be pragmatic... that not all dreams are attainable. Or scars of the past have left me so overly suspicious, pessimistic, and untrusting that I no longer take risks for fear of disappointment. Perhaps I'm simply too busy. With work? And with what else? Nothing else, really.

I'm struggling about this, but I know there's only one thing I'm really missing. One thing that will bring back the depth and meaning of my existence. One thing that I had but sadly lost hold of. One thing that's so easily offered me, yet so hard to receive.

I need God, the fullness of Him, in my life. It isn't enough just to know He's there. He has to be IN there. INvolved. IN my heart. IN my mind. IN my soul. IN me.

Pray for me, people.

posted by mari_elle at 20:34
beautiful entry.
hang in there sis!! let's talk soon. i can relate to you totally.
try to seek God. try to spend time with him. i try, without much success but i'm not giving up. seek him and you shall find him. he promised that.
sweetie. life is truly different now. come to think of it, life was tough then, but knowing that you have friends whom you share the same faith with was already comforting. i believe we're both going through tough times. sometimes i wish that you're just here. right beside me. like the way it was used to be. i feel for you marez. i do wish we could talk. and yup, just hang on there. keep in mind that He'll never leave us nor forsake us:D Tough times are there to make us stronger. not on our own, but with God's grace. Just press on. There's gonna be a radiant light at the end of that tunnel. i love you. and miss you tonsss:*
Thanks, guys. The thought of this struggle not being mine alone is, in a weird sense, comforting. Not that I'd want anyone else to feel the pain I'm going through, but knowing that there are people who are struggling and even those who do surmount these hurdles proves that God will come through not just for me, but for us all.
Ei, marielle. It's the quarter life vacuum, that's what it is. We're working now and it never fails to become a drab at one point. Work becomes a dreary routine, and that's when I feel like picking up the "apple" core and batting it at Adam for having placed the curse of lifetime toil on our backs, then of course i'd tell him to do the same to Eve.

The key is to just try harder and take a step out of your routine to get to God, that's the non-candy-coated answer. You make your routine, it doesn't make you. You've been up to date on what's been going on in my life of course and all I can say is don't wait for God to wake you up when you get comfy, when He takes you out of your comfort zone it often comes with pain that could've been avoided had we consciously chosen to seek Him with the utmost consistency. You're on the right track in thinking about this, others tell me when I have thoughts like yours that I think too much, but it's really only God's hand beginning to show you the way to His purpose for you. Cheer up, marielle, I'm on the same road, just a few roadstops ahead.
P.S. Haha, sorry. Your entry is absolutely relevant to how God has been probing my heart. To ask Him to take you deeper into His heart is actually a brave thing to pray for and truly seek. I've been reading the book Inside Out by Larry Crabb (Christian Psychologist) again for the 2nd full time in my life, it's the most genuine book I've read written by a fellow Christian. Last time I did I was heartbroken finishing my thesis in college. It speaks about truly Spiritually mature Christians who live for God with no ulterior motives aside from a one true desire to know Him, meaning you're not in it so He can bring you joy, you're not in it for the blessings or the light at the end of the tunnel. Even though you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel (coz sometimes that's the truth, you don't see it) you will believe it's there amidst the darkness because you've committed your life to Him because you love him. Seriously though, lots of us use that line without much thought. How can you truly love Someone you don't know intimately? Also it is a fact that the Spiritually mature Christian is prepared to face more disappointment than the norm, it's not being cynical, it's true. We experience more pain because we're aware of how fallen this world is, we have the hope in us but that hunger will remain till Heaven, and that is why we don't compromise, don't conform, truly love and press on.
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