Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Since my 21st birthday came and went without so much as a little entry here, I might as well post some pics taken surrounding the "event" that was quite uneventful compared with my past birthdays. And the big TWO-ONE is supposedly a big deal?!? They all say I'm now of legal age. Legal age to do what? Oh well, it's just a number. So, here are some photos.

On the very day of my birthday, Ate was sweet enough to take me out for lunch. We indulged in Japanese food at Ebisu and as clincher to an exquisite lunch, we grabbed nice, thick Chocolate drinks from Cafe Xocolat. That just made my day since it didn't exactly start out right. But that's another story.

And then, I had the best white cheese pizza at CPK with the rest of my family when we were all together.

By now, it should be obvious that I absolutely love pizza so I ordered two 20-inch pizzas as my little birthday treat for my officemates. It wasn't a surprise, though, that we gobbled all two down in just a few minutes.

Here I am with my cell mates in our humble abode. Sing out loud, Archie! That's a slightly drunk Archie singing his lungs out after eating a hearty dinner my sister and I cooked up for the gang.

Of course these photes weren't taken during just one day. These birthday celebrations were dispersed throughout the month of March. But this makes me realize: I've actually come to a point wherein birthdays just become another reason for eating, or dare I say PIGGING OUT! This is not good if I want to be able to sport a nice swimsuit this summer. Teehee...

posted by mari_elle at 20:10
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