Sunday, April 16, 2006
Two days to go til we finally fly to paradise! Or so I hope it's still the paradise people say it is.
It'll be my very first trip to Boracay, and I'm spending it with family, including my cutest baby cousins. I've been so looking forward to this vacation that I could hardly get my ass to work the past week. And though I already have a sinful number of swimsuits in my wardrobe, as I helped
my sis buy her first bikini, I just had to get myself a pair as well. Tsk tsk... Over-eager much?
Today, I helped my sister find another bikini that she could sport on the beach. After quite a number of trips to the dressing room, she was able to snag one that fit her like a glove. Mama also got beach attire because she claims not to have any plans of getting into the water or out in the sun at all. I don't know what it is with my mom and her sisters. They used to love bikinis, the beach, and even the sizzle of the sun, but nowadays, they seem to be able to content themselves with sitting in the shade, chitchatting, and munching all kinds of grub. Please don't tell me my sister and I are doomed to be like them when we get older! Hehehe...
Anyway, after searching high and low for flip flops and shades I thankfully found at 50th Ave. in Galleria, we three ladies just had to grab a bite. And as it happens, we did so the healthy way. What's new? Fuzion shakes and taro sticks. Yummy...

So, I'll be gone for a while. See you all in a week! Hopefully, I'll be back with that elusive tan. Wish me luck!
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