Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's funny. I don't think I've ever seen the gym as empty as this.
I feel a tinge of guilt that amidst all the chaos brought about by the recent typhoon, I still managed to workout, do my routine, and go about my days completely oblivious to the devastation outside. As the storm hit the metro, I was safely tucked away inside my airconditioned office, phone and internet lines intact, and also blessed enough to go home to electricity and cable TV. It's only when I was able to really get out this weekend that I realized the extent of the damage caused by
Milenyo. Seeing all those fallen branches, uprooted trees, damaged structures, and torn billboards (not to mention hearing about the suffering and losses it's caused other people) made me realize how apathetic I can get.
It hit me how I tend to detach myself from other people's plights just because I lead a relatively comfortable life. Shouldn't I have the burden to extend God's blessings with those in need? Shouldn't it come from me to get actively involved in outreaches? Or shouldn't I at least start by being sincerly concerned and in the know about what goes on outside my world, which now feels too small, too secure, and too isolated quite frankly.
Or is this just my savior complex acting up again?
posted by mari_elle at