Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Quotable quotes for the night

Having just come from a nice night out with friends, I'm left with this silly looking smirk on my face. It's a residue of all the laughs I had with them over coffee. Let me share three quotable quotes right here:

Quote 1: "My dad looks like Mr. Hobbes." That was already rephrased. I was referring to how my dad almost looked like the father character in the Calvin and Hobbes comics. Hmm, I had a Jessica Simpson moment right there.

Quote 2: "Si Beyonce parang bituka." My friend, Don, was talking about how Beyonce's dancing looked like to him in her Crazy in Love music video. By bituka, I think he meant "uod" or "worm" in English. You know, she was crawling, rolling, and turning about on wet cement. You get the idea.

Quote 3: "What? Gyrating?" That was a classic. We were ranting about how women don't promote girl power by dressing in skimpy outfits and gyrating/dancing in a lot of the media we see nowadays. That was Don's reply to my question when I said, "Girls only objectify themselves when they dress and dance that way. Why do girls even do that?" He apparently selectively heard that gyrating part alone. I didn't even know how to respond to his reply. Miko and I almost fell off our seats laughing.

I would've wanted to stay out later, but all this talk about car jacking has made me wary about driving around late at night. What has the world come to?

posted by mari_elle at 22:19
That was quite a night huh!!! I never contributed to the conversation but I enjoyed listening to the two of you...hehehe
Isn't "bituka" Tagalog for "intestine"? :p
My point exactly. He probably meant her dancing was all up in twists and turns like intestines. Beats me...
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