Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Fooling around at Stillwaters!
I had such a refreshing weekend. My cousin from Canada came over and spent the night here with us last Thursday, and since he and I had soooooooo much to talk about in terms of my job and his plans to set up business here in the country, we stayed up really really late. I realized I was no longer used to sleeping past 12. My cousin apparently didn't mind since he was still sufferring from jet lag. I spent the whole of Friday a walking zombee. So, it was a good thing that I got to sleep a bit longer than usual last Saturday morning.
Hanging out with some good friends was also a blessing. It'd been quite a while since I got a whole day just to chill with my friends, so I was more than happy to "play tennis" (I just watched and sat pretty on the benches), have lunch, the usual coffee talk, go to Stillwaters, and eat a good dinner with them. Stillwaters was the best part. I'd been longing to go there for the longest time. We talked about some pretty heavy and meaningful stuff. I felt like my soul needed just that. I'd been so shallow lately.
posted by mari_elle at