Monday, October 31, 2005
Feast your eyes on (left to right) Charlie's angel, a hippie chick, a pink fairy, Lara Croft, Morticia Adams, two gypsies, and a lady pirate.

Though I'm really not one to celebrate this time of the year, I couldn't but join in the festivities of the office. Our boss had encouraged (or required! hehe) the whole recruitment team to come to work in costumes because we were anticipating a total of 700 kids to go trick-or-treating around the building. Plus, it was also part of the whole recruitment snazz, since applicants had been pouring in these past few weeks. So, for lack of any better ideas (and budget), I dug up my sister's 2-year-old props and dressed myself up as a pirate. The getup would have been completed with an eye patch and a parrot, though.

I'm really glad that God put back the joy in my heart towards my work. It's been really fun lately, especially since the team is growing and i see how the people I'm surrounded with are pretty cool in their different ways. When the job gets tough, we help each other out, encourage one another, and laugh and giggle the whole way through. Yep, we are a rather silly bunch. But that's a blessing, of course. Who'd want to work with a group of stiff-necked, boring people 5 days a week?
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