Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Nerd moment

I never really thought of myself as a voracious reader. In fact, as a little girl, I preferred dolls to books and sunny days playing chinese garter outdoors to cozy afternoons in a library. Not until I entered college did I realize how fun it was to read. I started to regret having merely scanned through most of my book reports in high school. (Yes, I wasn't as conscientious a student as I appeared to be back then.) So, now that the interest has been sparked up in me, I'm making up for lost time by soaking in as much literature as I can get my hands on. Better late than never!

Eww... I sound like a nerd. But what the heck! I've always been one. No use denying it now after this entry.

I just finished reading my fourth Jostein Gaarder book. Sophie's World left such an impression on me when I had read it two years ago that I just had to splurge on more Gaarder books when I got my second paycheck. I've always been one to analyze things too much. Naturally, a philosophy book nurtured that inclination in me. However, after that fourth book - The Christmas Mystery- I feel as though I already have enough Gaarderisms in my system to last me at least until this year is over. Meanwhile, thanks to my sister - the true blue bookworm in the house - I just got a hold of Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. It's one of those books I just can't seem to put down. It's one of those books I completely ignored way back when I was still too engrossed watching the teley to bother with literature. And that's why I will have to cut this entry short. There's just so many books, so little time!

posted by mari_elle at 21:46
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