Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Friday, January 12, 2007


Ambition - (noun) desire to achieve a particular end

I wonder how some people can live without a clear definition of theirs. Ambition, that is. I've always believed it's that which inspires and fuels us to do our best, to give our all, and to strive for something greater. It serves as our motivation to get up in the morning and do what's necessary to attain our set goals. There no sadder state to me than being content with a ho-hum kind of existence and settling for the ordinary.

Who can live a life without ambition? Well, maybe only those people who are perfectly content with mediocrity and those who can live at peace with themselves making do with what they have and are, although knowing they can achieve so much more. Now THAT IS depressing.

I admire people with ambition. It's what sets them apart from the sell-outs. You just know they're the kind of people to make an impact and do something of worth with their lives.

posted by mari_elle at 16:12
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