Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mixed Emotions

So many changes have taken place in a span of two weeks. I'm also anticipating even more adjustments in the next few days.

It was barely two weeks ago that I decided to pursue a career opportunity with another company. To make the long story short, I just felt like it was high time I moved on from what I'd been doing with recruitment at HTMT for a little over a year now.

A job opening at a UK-based firm just so happened to present itself to me at the right time.

Now, Ellaine and I are both leaving a wonderful recruitment team to join another (hopefully as equally excellent) team of recruiters for an international market this time around. It's a challenge I'm more than eager and willing to take at this point in my career. I'm thrilled about every aspect of the job that awaits me: that I'll be going back to working within Eastwood, that I'll be exposed to an international pool of clients and candidates, that my schedule (which means this whole lifestyle/routine I've been used to for more than a year) will be completely altered since I'll be in the midshift, that I'll be taking such a huge risk leaving my comfort zone and starting from scratch.

At the same time, I can't but feel like I'll be leaving behind (perhaps) the nicest bunch of people I'll ever get to work with in the corporate world. We sincerely love one another as a team, save for the rare moments of misunderstandings and miscommunication (haha). I can only hope I'll be as blessed with my colleagues in this new job.

I resolved not to get this emo-ness get the best of me. This is how it's gotta be. We can't cling on to EVERYTHING we hold dear all our lives. It's just not possible if we want to grow as individuals. But I guess it's understandable that I allow myself to feel sad, even just a teensy bit.

posted by mari_elle at 20:40
good for you! congratulations on the jump and good luck on the new job :) i've always wanted to leave my comfort zone. hopefully next year.
I feel yah!
thanks, guys. here goes...
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