Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Monday, June 12, 2006

Last hurrah!

Some of my officemates, my sister, and I just came from Coco Beach at Galera. I can now safely say I've had my beach fix for the summer. That's it! No more excursions in the near future! Besides, summer's over anyway. Time to put all those bikinis back into storage and recover from too much unhealthy sun exposure. I'm red as a lobster again. Oh well...

It's just a tragedy that we all have to go face reality and report straight for work no less than tomorrow. I'm almost sure I'll be in too much of a holiday hangover to function properly. I have got to think of ways to snap out of this lazy phase I've been going through ever since I came back from Boracay two months ago. It's just not like nerdy old me! Help!

posted by mari_elle at 21:28
That's the thing about working. You can't get really loooong vacations. Sometimes I wish I were a student again. Haha!
The irony there is that when you're not yet working and earning, you most likely wouldn't have the extra moolah to splurge for a long vacation. Oh well...
Hi, Rossy! Well, it's never too soon to plan for a well-deserved vacation. Go for it! Matutuloy din yan.
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