Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Peanut Butter, anyone?

Being the peanut butter monster that I am, I took it upon myself to whip up my own home-made version of the spread I actually spoon straight out of the jar. I've actually been making a healthier, preservative-free, sugar-free alternative to what's normally found in grocery stores for quite some time now, but my "products" never really make it out of our kitchen. My family and I would always scarf a whole jar down in a week's time. And I also didn't even entertain the thought of making a business out of it.

It was only by Ellaine's (that's her in the photo) prodding that I decided to "sell" my family-famous concoction. I didn't even charge for profit when I sold her my first jar, thinking that I enjoyed whipping it up anyway. I couldn't charge for labor now, could I? Besides, I was never really blessed with good business sense, so I decided to do it as a labor of love. Hehehe...

Thankfully, I got good feedback not just from Ellaine, but from my other colleagues as well. Now, I have five pending orders. Yehey!

The only thing lacking is a catchy label or brandname. Hmmm... Suggestions? I was initially thinking of "Marielle's Mani-an (Healthy Peanut Butter Spread)". But I know, I know. It's the lamest name and just goes to show how I can NEVER be in advertising!

posted by mari_elle at 20:13
I see me. =p Thanks, Marielle for the peanut butter!! Weeee let's all order from Marielley and be healthy! Haha how lame, huh?! On the serious side, I really loved it. Can I volunteer to be your peanut butter-making company's sales representative? Or would you rather have me as you endorser, since my picture is here anyway? Hehe...
That has a catchy ring to it: "Marielley's Healthy Peanut Buttery"... Ok, that just sounds like overkill!
Health Nut
PB that's good for you!

All Nat Peanut Butter
All Natural, All Good
Thanks, Adam! Hehehe... Need all the help I can get. ;-)
Career na to?
yez, ellaine. all thanks to you!
hi.. it's krischel.. since ur a peanut butter monster.. juz want 2 ask f u know wer i can find suply of large amount of peanut hull/husk.. i nid it for my thesis.. help me..
juz drop ur answer @ i really appreciate it..tnx!!
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