Sunday, April 23, 2006

Let the photos tell the story... Boracay trip, summer 2006.

Ate Marielle with Colleen and Matt at the airport. The kiddies were so adorably excited about the trip.

That's my sister and cousin watching our first Boracay sunset.

I dove in and swam with the fishies. They were literally eating out of my hand. The whole experience nurtured my childhood delusions that I was Ariel--The Little Mermaid. Teehee...

My sister's and my stems just before taking a dip in beautiful, serene Puka Beach.

Cornrows, dreadlocks, and ice cream!

Desperate for a tan. My late afternoon tanning sessions didn't do much, though, because I came home with nothing more than a faint redness on my back. But I absolutely loved dozing off to sleep while listening to my favorite mp3s as the setting sun produced the loveliest colors on the horizon.

My sister and I wanted a quiet night out, away from the loud parties Boracay was famous for. Gladly, we stumbled upon a nice, cozy cafe, and indulged in exquisite iced coffee drinks and the most decadent, yet guiltless, flourless chocolate mousse.

The fine sand, cool water, and tranquil skies would have all been perfect had there not been any green algae. Boo...

A priceless moment of walking along the shore, with not a worry to think of.

If you ever get the chance to go to Boracay, you MUST visit
Real Coffee at Station 1. It's highly recomended by the Lonely Planet and by me!

Coffee and good conversation with new friends on our last night in the island.

Poor little doggy was digging into the flourlike sand, looking for something to eat.
Jonah's Fruitshakes serves the best, most refreshing blended shakes on the island.

Goodbye, Paradise!

Sad though we were to leave, we were quite excited to board the plane and fly back to Manila. Boracay will always be there, and yes, we'll definitely be back come December!
And so ends this online scrapbook. Tomorrow, it's back to reality for me!
posted by mari_elle at
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Two days to go til we finally fly to paradise! Or so I hope it's still the paradise people say it is.
It'll be my very first trip to Boracay, and I'm spending it with family, including my cutest baby cousins. I've been so looking forward to this vacation that I could hardly get my ass to work the past week. And though I already have a sinful number of swimsuits in my wardrobe, as I helped
my sis buy her first bikini, I just had to get myself a pair as well. Tsk tsk... Over-eager much?
Today, I helped my sister find another bikini that she could sport on the beach. After quite a number of trips to the dressing room, she was able to snag one that fit her like a glove. Mama also got beach attire because she claims not to have any plans of getting into the water or out in the sun at all. I don't know what it is with my mom and her sisters. They used to love bikinis, the beach, and even the sizzle of the sun, but nowadays, they seem to be able to content themselves with sitting in the shade, chitchatting, and munching all kinds of grub. Please don't tell me my sister and I are doomed to be like them when we get older! Hehehe...
Anyway, after searching high and low for flip flops and shades I thankfully found at 50th Ave. in Galleria, we three ladies just had to grab a bite. And as it happens, we did so the healthy way. What's new? Fuzion shakes and taro sticks. Yummy...

So, I'll be gone for a while. See you all in a week! Hopefully, I'll be back with that elusive tan. Wish me luck!
posted by mari_elle at
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Since my 21st birthday came and went without so much as a little entry here, I might as well post some pics taken surrounding the "event" that was quite uneventful compared with my past birthdays. And the big TWO-ONE is supposedly a big deal?!? They all say I'm now of legal age. Legal age to do what? Oh well, it's just a number. So, here are some photos.

On the very day of my birthday, Ate was sweet enough to take me out for lunch. We indulged in Japanese food at Ebisu and as clincher to an exquisite lunch, we grabbed nice, thick Chocolate drinks from Cafe Xocolat. That just made my day since it didn't exactly start out right. But that's another story.

And then, I had the best white cheese pizza at CPK with the rest of my family when we were all together.

By now, it should be obvious that I absolutely love pizza so I ordered two 20-inch pizzas as my little birthday treat for my officemates. It wasn't a surprise, though, that we gobbled all two down in just a few minutes.

Here I am with my cell mates in our humble abode. Sing out loud, Archie! That's a slightly drunk Archie singing his lungs out after eating a hearty dinner my sister and I cooked up for the gang.
Of course these photes weren't taken during just one day. These birthday celebrations were dispersed throughout the month of March. But this makes me realize: I've actually come to a point wherein birthdays just become another reason for eating, or dare I say PIGGING OUT! This is not good if I want to be able to sport a nice swimsuit this summer. Teehee...
posted by mari_elle at
Monday, April 03, 2006
Philosophia Krateito Photon
posted by mari_elle at
Saturday, April 01, 2006
It's been about a month since I had that severe migraine attack. Recovery's been quite slow, but I'm regaining my strength little by little. I've been so fragile this whole month--my freakin' birthmonth! I never would have thought that a simple headache could leave such lasting repercussions? But then again, it was more than just a headache, and it was far from simple. To make the long story short, the stress and heat from two consecutive days of jobfairs, added to the fact that migraines run in the family, caused some screw to pop in my head, or at least that was how it felt. I had to go on sick leave for a few days because, for the life of me, I could not see, think, feel, etc. straight. My whole body was affected by that migraine attack. It was so bad that my vision was all blurry for the first two days, and even worse, distorted for the next three to five days after the attack. Quite traumatic. Everyone, to me, looked like Quasimodo.
Now, I've completely healed. Complete recovery after as long as five days is the norm for migraine episodes, so my parents said I had no reason to worry. Although we did consult a neurologist, just in case. Heehee...
So, now I'm back! And just when I told myself I'd take it easy when it came to work for fear that I'd get all stressed out and have a migraine again, I decided to go to work on a Saturday. Yes, today was the first day I'd ever worked on a weekend. It ain't the last. I'm going to do overtime again next Saturday. I don't mind, though. The pay-off is that I get to go on a one-week leave for Boracay!
This time, I'm really hoping to get a tan. Cross your fingers for me!
posted by mari_elle at