Monday, August 29, 2005
Tell me something I don't know.
You are White Chocolate
You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.
Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.
You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

What Kind of Chocolate Are You? Take This Quiz :-)Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.Wattabunchabullcrap...
Okay okay. It seems kinda true. Hence, the violent reaction. When can I ever veer away from that tweetums, bubble gum image I've been stuck with my whole life? Tests like these don't help any. Do you guys agree? I'm so bothered. Bleh...
posted by mari_elle at
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Courtney, my sister, and I have had our noses stuck in books this past week. I survived the whole week more broke than I have ever been my entire life. Why? I spent the rest of my salary on books. Blame it on National and Powerbooks for going on sale. How did I survive? The brown bag method (
translation: BAON!).
However, unlike many of my material splurges (clothes, foodtrips, etc...), I don't in the least bit feel guilty about spending my money on a whim like I did last Friday. In fact, I plan to go back for some more good reads as soon as the next pay day comes around. Somebody stop me!!!
posted by mari_elle at
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Caged bird sings
Caged BirdRight now I feel like a bird
Caged without a key
Everyone comes to stare at me
With so much joy and rivalry
They don't know how I feel inside
Through my smile I cry
They don't know what they're doin' to me
Keeping me from flyin'
That's why I say that
I know why the caged bird sings
Only joy comes from song
She's so rare and beautiful to others
Why not just set her free
So she can
Fly, fly, fly
Spreadin' her wings and her song
Let her
Fly, fly fly
For the whole world to see
She's like caged bird
Fly, fly, fly
Oh just let her fly
Just let her fly
Spread wings
Spread beautyA beautiful song by Alicia Keys. She's really my favorite artist. Haven't heard anyone else who can capture my sentiments like she can.
posted by mari_elle at
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I hate myself for not being able to update this blog more often. There are so many things I'd like to share, countless thoughts I want to expose, and even more mindless rantings/ravings I long to spill, but I just don't get the chance to sit still and take time to do so. I guess I'm starting to get caught up in the hussle and bussle of the working world. Now that I'm actually here, sitting in front of the PC, typing away, I might as well take this opportunity to share some more useless finds. Oops, I take that back! This doesn't classify as useless. It was actually quite timely when I first heard this song. At a time that I just needed to be an angry, sour-graping, and completely pathetic victim, I had this "mantra" to sing at the top of my lungs to make me feel a tad better. Yeah yeah, this will classify me as a mean girl. So shoot me!
Ugly Girlby Fleming and JohnWhen I saw you at the grocery store
you were sharing a shopping cart with her
and I couldn't turn and run away
I didn't know what to say
You introduced us for the first time
and I had to look her in the eye
but you could not imagine my surprise
can't you see you're leaving me for an ugly girl
Does she talk about politics
and all the stuff that used to make me sick
does she smoke cigars and stay up late?
oh she's so great
Does she tell you what you want to hear
and I bet that she can grow a beard
I'd feel better thinking you were queer
it's not fair
I can't compare to an ugly girl
ha ha ha haha the joke's on me
I feel jealous and I feel mean
is she so nice that it makes up for her face
there's no way
Do you have to keep your eyes closed
do you have to keep the lights down low
oh I bet you wish you had a blindfold
can't you see you're leaving me for an ugly girl
Not that it's actually something that relates to me. But it sure is fun to sing along with even when you haven't anyone in mind.
posted by mari_elle at
Thursday, August 11, 2005
My cousin and I had another
Desperate Housewives marathon tonight. I couldn't but get annoyed at the Susan character for "bringin the drama in..." (directly quoting from the show) every friggin' opportunity she gets.
I hate sadness, misery, and anything that complicates. To be carefree and happy is what people should strive for even when life is seemingly gloomy, more so, when there's clearly nothing to sulk about! It's so annoying how some people feel like they carry the world on their shoulders. Actually, MOST people tend to thrive on that "woe is me" attitude about life. It seems people feed on drama, so much so that even when life is quiet and stressfree, they always find something to get eaten up about. Why is that? Can't we all just be happy, gather around a campfire, and sway together while singing the
kumbaya song?
Come on, people!!! Life ain't that complicated!!!
So, here I am getting all heated up about a fictional character on a TV show. Who's the drama queen now?
posted by mari_elle at
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Pizza heaven
My Saturdays are always an excuse to binge, pig out, and stuff myself silly. Yesterday was no exception. Despite the fact that I didn't join the badminton gang earlier that morning, I was ravenous by the time we reached
Market! Market! for some reason. I know I promised to play badminton with them after a three week hiatus, but I just couldn't get myself out of bed since yesterday was the first day since I started working that I actually had the chance to sleep for as long as I wanted. My sleep debt is probably already so high it's giving the Petronas Towers a run for its money. Maybe that's also why I'm always so hungry.
Anyway, pizza lovers all over the country should unite and flock to
The Pizza Company. I never gave that resto the time of day during previous visits, but I sure am glad that we took the chance to check it out yesterday. I can't speak for the rest of the gang, but that restuarant is climbing its way up to the top of my fave pizza places (and might I add that I absolutely luuuuuuurve pizza! who doesn't?). So, to get ya'll pizza lover's mouths watering, here's a pic of their masterpieces (
stuff crust veggie and meat pizza). Oh happy food!

My binges don't end with Saturdays, though. They extend all the way til Sunday, and like last week, they go on for as long as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and before I know it, Friday comes along. So, I think, "It'll be I-can-binge-today-since-it's-Saturday day again tomorrow, so might as well..." Loving food is a curse.
Work is treating me well so far. I'm having such a great time with my officemates. God blessed me enough to surround me with good people in the workplace. Sure, it can be like college all over again when people stare upon your entering the cafeteria, fall into silence whenever you pass by, or strike up conversation like old friends do when you've never been introduced before. I guess that's what comes with being the newbie. People just can't but be curious. It's been more than a month now, though. I wonder what it'll be like when I become a company fossil myself.
By the way, many many thanks to
my sister and Courtney, who lovingly went out of their way (rain and all) just to drop by the office and bring me another one of my happy drinks.
Cafe Vanilla from the
Coffee Bean.
posted by mari_elle at