Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Monday, June 09, 2008


I would not readily admit this, but I'd been feeling a tad sad these past few days. There's just been a lot of issues running through my head, and being a woman, I obviously got all emotional about everything. I thought to myself, however, that this was no way to spend the long weekend. I was supposed to have fun and get all the rest I needed for the hectic week ahead. Instead, I found myself feeling restless, anxious, melancholic, and altogether emo. Forgive me, anti-emo readers.

This day was good for me though. I realize this as it comes to a close. I had a lovely time with some of my best gal pals at breakfast, girl talk over coffee the whole morning, and stalking people on the internet (yes, we do that!). It was therapeutic in a sense that I forgot all the crap that I'd been preoccupied with by simply being silly with my girls.

I then met up with a good friend, my discipler to be specific, and had a nice cup of tea with her. I needed someone to pour out to and perhaps to remind me to keep my focus on God. There's no denying how distracted I've been lately, and I guess I needed to hear it from someone I respected and looked up to: I must keep my focus. This goes without saying that I did a little more than rant and rave; I shed a tear or two in public. Embarassing. But I felt so much better after.

Therapy would not have been complete without a little side trip to the boutiques. So there. Retail therapy was attained in purchasing a nice blue-green dress. Call me a ditz, but shopping does have its good purposes.

I just needed to get that out of my system. I'm quite positive things will start looking up within the next few days.

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posted by mari_elle at 20:44
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