Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Olsen and I

Olsen and I have pretty much bonded in the two months that I've had him. FYI, I gave my dslr a name and decided to give it the male gender. I'm just weird that way.

I'm thrilled that I'm not the only one to get bitten by the photography bug. Many of my friends have now purchased (if not in the planning stages) their own cameras; now it's a hobby we can all pursue as a group.

It's been years since I handled an SLR, which was the old school Nikon model that ran on film. I've missed photography a great deal and it goes without saying that I've gotten pretty rusty. It's a challenge to relearn the discipline, but one that I'm sure I'll enjoy along the way.

I'm starting to post only my favorites here.


posted by mari_elle at 03:29
Nice blog!!!
First dancing, now photography? You're really into a lot of things huh? :) Next thing you know, you're a superwoman already. Haha! Nothing weird with giving your camera a man's name.. I gave my car a girl's name. So either we're both weird or the rest of the world is. I have to say I'm impressed with your photos. Very nice. :) Keep it up mademoiselle!
Thanks, Wits! I guess I just like to keep myself busy. I'm already thinking about my next hobby. Hahaha...

I'm thinking of world domination. Good idea?
Yeah, world domination sounds nice. =P

Also, you have a DSLR already. I've been itching to get one for like ages. I envy you.
World domination is cool. Believe me, I've been trying for years albeit without success...yet.

Hmm.. I, on the other hand, am thinking of picking up a new hobby as well. I'm considering knitting and cross stitching. Real men knit ya know. Haha. :)

Well good luck on your quest for world domination. If you need a sidekick or a goon let me know.
Wits, I need an imp. What do you say? Up for it? Hahaha...

Ade, get a cam! Then join the club!
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