Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Friday, January 20, 2006

Don't mean to bash but...

I came accross a resume with a very odd introductory paragraph just a few minutes ago. Much as I wouldn't want to make fun of anyone, I just have to post this. Forgive me for being such a mean girl. Hehehehe... It goes like this:

I am a computer literate also (thanks partly to my natural knack on technology I assembled myself a working computer out of some surplus). I clocked at 25 wpm. I stand on my socks at 5 feet and 6 inches, and 170 lbs. on the scale; light brown skin.

Errors in sentence construction, transliterations, word misuse, lack of punctuation marks, among other things!!! I got a headache just reading it. What on earth is "clocked" supposed to mean anyway? "Inorasan" in Tagalog? Even then, it doesn't make much sense. "I stand on my socks"!?! For crying out loud, what does that have to do with his application to the company? As if that wasn't enough, he just had to clinch it with "light brown skin".

I come accross people who not just write, but speak, this way every day. Yes, it may be good for a laugh from time to time, but too much exposure to it and you start getting paranoid the errors will rub off on you eventually. I pitty these people, too, because most of the time, they're absolutely convinced that they meet the qualification of having "excellent communication skills". It's like they don't know any better.

posted by mari_elle at 11:15
I kanow some people with bad english, but that was just beyond bad...
If you thought that was bad, this will make your head spin:

It's so funny it's actually quite sad.
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