Saturday, May 28, 2005
This used to be my playground.

This was our street. It was here that I strolled with my friends, ran around with my cousins, drove out and back home with my parents, went jogging with
Ate, first learned how to bike, played
wala lang badminton and volleyball, etc. etc. etc.
My trip down memory lane today put me in a really blissful and sentimental mood, but it didn't last. Sure, I had fun swimming at the country club and walking down the quiet streets of the subdivision, but when I saw the dismal state in which our house was, my spirits sank to an all-time low.
After having lived down south for sixteen years of my life, my family and I moved here up north two years ago, leaving behind a treasure chest full of memories in the process. Our house down south was small, simple, and cozy. It was where I grew up. It was the only home I'd ever known. There I went through a myriad of experiences that make me who I am today. So, our visit today should have made me happy, but instead, it left me utterly depressed. Why you ask? Well, it's because our tenants who lived there these past two years didn't exactly take care of it. They moved out, leaving it totally dilapidated. Two years and the structure I used to call home doesn't even look much like a house now. It looks as if it suffered the wear and tear of two decades! Unbelievable.
I guess I can't blame those people. A majority of the time, they left the house to the maids (who didn't really care about the house's upkeep in the first place), and to make things worse, they had kids... you know, the kind that liked to draw on walls. Still, I can't help being a little angry. THAT WAS MY HOME! My lolo worked his butt off to have that built, and my dad invested a lot of time and money just to keep it in tip top shape when we still lived there. The fact that they didn't even as much as reimburse Papa for all the damages says a lot about how much (or little) respect they have for us.
It's these things that make me feel all the more jaded. Bleh...
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Friday, May 27, 2005

Life is too short for just one swimsuit.
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My friends left a few hours ago after having spent the night here. Miday, Bianca, Lou, and Cokie are among the handful of my close friends from high school. So, despite my disappointment that the others weren't able to make it to this supposedly "much-awaited" bonding session, I still had an absolute blast with the four. Of course, we hardly slept (it really should be called a "WAKEover").
We kicked it off with a hearty lunch, after which we began our DVD marathon that went on 'til the wee hours of the morning. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a wimp when it comes to horror movies. But these friends (or so I thought!) of mine convinced/forced me to watch
Shutter, a Thai horror film, with them. So, I reluctantly agreed, with the condition that we'd watch it while the sun was still up. We did, thank God! And I survived through it, half-covering my eyes and making occassional shrieks left and right.
After having fried our brains in front of the telly, we talked talked talked about anything and everything! We just had so much catching up to do that by the time they had to go, I felt as though there was still so much left to share with each other. There just wasn't enough time. There never is anyway. But I won't complain. At least we got to spend time after that very tough and trying senior year. Bianca and Cokie have yet to experience what we freshgrads went through, but I'm sure they've had their fair share of trials and hurdles the past year, too. It was a well-deserved bumming session for all of us.
I feel quite sad, disturbed, and disenchanted at some of the things we talked about, though. I always thought of my high school as our little heaven on earth. I never knew that people, some people, would so easily jump into the wicked, miserable ways of the world after already having had a taste of the sweet, carefree life of purity.
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The latest sleepover I hosted... Ok, so it's not exactly the most flattering photo, but hey, we were having a blast! Bianxx took the picture, and I'm sure she's gonna get peeved I didn't post one with her in it. Teehee!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Do I look like my mom? I'm having too much fun with picasa. Oh dear. Now you guys REALLY know how I look. And to think that I wanted to keep my identity semi-secret. Oh well, so much for that!
posted by mari_elle at
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
That photo down there says it all. I went to UP yesterday (after 10 years!) to run a few errands and to meet up with my friend before going out to watch a movie. I couldn't but get all sentimental as I walked along the halls of AS. It made me reflect on how anxious I was to finish my thesis, graduate, and start working that I didn't get to savor the last days of being a student. Regret. That's probably what I was feeling.
But in keeping with my placid nature, I shook it off, met up with Cokie, headed straight for Libis, and watched Starwars Episode III. I actually enjoyed it. And coming from someone like me (I can't really appreciate fantasy and sci-fi), that's saying a lot!
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getting sentimental along the halls of AS
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It starts here.
I've jumped onto the bandwagon. Everyone seems to be doing it, so I thought, "What the heck?!" I woke up rather early this morning (too early maybe... try 4am!) due to my dad's ridiculously loud snoring, and the even more ridiculously noisy grumbling of my stomach. I got up, popped open an Atkins Advantage Shake, turned the teley on, turned it back off, grabbed the laptop, locked myself up here in the attic, and the rest (as they all say) is history.
I have officially entered the world of blogging!
There was a time when I thought I'd never EVER post my thoughts online. In my opinion, I could very well do so in the comfort and privacy of my room, using the traditional, panahong kopong-kopong pen and paper method. In fact, I've been writing on journals for so long that I've completed roughly ten journals/diaries already! And I'm only two decades old. Yes, I've had and still have a lot of things on my mind that I pour out into writing.
So, here goes. I think I'll like this online journal thing. And maybe it will be worthwhile to share a few (a few, but it's better than none) of my ramblings with anyone who'd care to read on.
I'm going out this afternoon. That's a good change! I absolutely loathe having to stay home, doing nothing, frying my brain in front of the teley, checking the ref every so often, and feeling utterly and completely useless. So, til next time!
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