Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Friday, August 19, 2011

What Adobo Taught Me Today

I finally nailed it! I successfully cooked adobo for my husband, who's coming home in a bit. This may not seem like a feat to celebrate, but for me it is. You see, I tried this before, but totally forgot to marinade the chicken with pepper. So, it lacked a certain zing. It was edible, but it was forgettable.

This time around, I got all my ingredients in place and did basically whipped everything together to make this age-old Filipino cuisine. Without being too sure of myself, I actually think it tastes pretty good--yummy enough for my husband's critical-for-adobo-tongue.

My cooking mishap turned success paints a picture of how it is with other tasks I've embarked on in the past. I must admit, I do NOT have an eye for detail. Each time I tried to do something new, yet missed a tiny detail (such pepper), the outcome turns out never "outstanding", but merely "acceptable" and sometimes, there's no outcome at all!

Much like trying to run 10 kilometers, but failing to wear the right shoes, I finished the race, but my finishing time was pathetic.

Much like building a stamp collection, but neglecting to buy enough stamp albums to store them in. (my stamps are now lost in a sea of dust and other clutter somewhere in smokey mountain)

Much like decorating a new home and trying to make it look nice and tidy, but forgetting to install a nice shoe rack for storage. (our shoes are now lying all over the place; so much for tidy)

There are others I need not mention. I just realized, though, that despite how pepper or other tiny details can be forgotten, there's no denying that they make up the whole, and the whole without its parts is not and can never be the whole.

Note to self: Pay attention to detail. It's cliche but oh so true, Marielle.

Note to readers: That's not my adobo in the photo. That's a borrowed pic because I don't have time to "food photog" my dish.

posted by mari_elle at 20:13
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