Give the Day a Chance to Start

give the day a chance to start

Monday, June 13, 2011

Golly, how things have changed

I'm reading my daily devotions through my favorite online site, BibleGateway, and simultaneously, I can't but be in awe at how things have changed since I last blogged actively. Here are seven out of the many things that are different:

1. The most apparent change is the fact that I'm doing my devotions while mobile and online. I never had a laptop this light and handy. I'm officially a Mac convert.

2. My husband is sitting right across from me, reading his Bible and scribbling notes. Yes, referring to "my husband" would mean that I'm married. I'm so married! And for more than a year now.

3. It's a Monday, and while everyone else is at work, I'm here at Starbucks, killing time. Working at the church makes this possible. My busiest days are now during weekends, and Mondays have evolved to become our rest days.

4. My husband is here with me. He's not asleep during the daytime, like he used to when he was still working in the graveyard shift. We're now officemates at the church, and we're loving it!

5. I'm having a high calorie, less-ice, blended whipped cream frapuccino. Apparently, gone are the obsessive days of the dieting Marielle. I did a 4k run at the gym, and that's enough for me to keep healthy. No more depravation.

6. In a couple of hours, we're going to do the groceries, and I'm gonna whip up a sausage and buttered vegetables dinner for me and my husband in our new home. This is actually my real full-time job--homemaker.

7. Reading the Bible no longer ends with ticking off another chapter in the book to document how far I've gotten in reading the whole Book. I find myself searching deeper, looking more purposively for the hidden treasures in God's Word. In this season in my life, there's just no excuse to be lukewarm. God has blessed me with everything I need to know Him more, so I'm now trying my best to be a good steward of that blessing.

So with that, let me share: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

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posted by mari_elle at 14:31
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