Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Worth remembering
The Alchemist again...
Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him... We, people's hearts, seldom say much about those treasures, because people no longer want to go in search of them. We speak of them only to children. Later, we simply let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own fate. But unfortunately, very few follow the path laid out for them--the path to their Personal Legends, and to happiness. Most people see the world as a threatening place, and, because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place.Again, I'm made to realize how unfounded some of my fears are. I don't like the person I've become very much: a suspicious, cynical, impatient gal. But I hope to change that somehow. Learning to rise above my disappointments and hurts is still a long, difficult process I'd gladly keep going through if only for the promise of healing and the return of my positive outlook on life. NO MORE DRAMA.
Maybe God created the desert so that man could appreciate the date trees.I can't wait to see my date trees.
posted by mari_elle at
Friday, December 23, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Cliche as this may sound, I hope we all take time to reflect on why we celebrate this holiday in the first place. Let's keep the blessing of Jesus' birth in our hearts. That should keep us all sane and at peace amidst the Christmas rush, festivities, and yes, traffic jams.
Happy Birthday, Jesus.
posted by mari_elle at
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
"But now I'm sad and alone. I'm going to become bitter and distrustful of people because one person betrayed me." Santiago (
The Alchemist)
Those lines somehow struck me as I was rereading that book by Paulo Coelho. It didn't mean anything to me when I first read the book about a year ago, but somehow, it's taken on new meaning now.
I remember being an extremely trusting person, too trusting for my own good. I was always ready to look on the brighter side of things, and to focus blindly on the good in people. But now, I'll be the first to admit that I seem to be overly suspicious of everyone I come across.
If there's one thing I've learned to take into heart, it's the thought that people will always disappoint you. One of my very good friends told me that "disappointments spring forth from failed expectations." Like everyone else, I hate getting disappointed. That's probably why I've been keeping my distance from people lately, not readily letting just about anyone into my life as blindly as I used to. No longer do I expect the best from people for fear of getting disillusioned yet again.
In a way, it's protected me from getting hurt, but at the same time, I also feel like I'm missing out on something by being overly cautious. I don't want to turn into just another uptight, embittered, frigid witch.
God, help me rise above this trauma.
posted by mari_elle at
Monday, December 05, 2005
Wrinkled Little Cutie

I think I'm inlove. Seeing that adorable shar pei pup at a pet shop last night made me realize one thing:
I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! I want a Shar Pei! ...
A white one at that.
C'mon! I don't ask for much. *flashes her own version of puppy-dog-eyes*
posted by mari_elle at
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Lazy Saturday morning

There's nothing quite like snuggling up with a good book while sipping a warm comfort drink on a lazy Saturday morning. My sister and I had to wait for the stores to open, so we killed time just chilling at the Coffee Bean. It's moments like these that I really savor. God knows I haven't had the chance to sit back and take things easy since I started working. It also gave me the boost I needed for a full day of Christmas shopping, spending, and of course, having to battle with the crowd of shoppers through it all.
Can somebody please remind me to do my shopping earlier next year?!?
posted by mari_elle at
Friday, December 02, 2005
The week's gone by too darn quickly. Work was like play this week since there was hardly anything to do at the office. No wonder all we did was chat, laugh, and of course, EAT! We hardly moved about, being cooped up in our recruitment room. So, bored as we were, we resorted to munching and nibbling to our hearts' content (pizza, pancit, barbeque, puto, and even more pizza). The set-up, to me, was akin to pigs getting fattened up in a slaughter house. Oh how morbid!
I started this layed-back work week with a couch-potato, holiday Monday accordingly. My friends came over to the house for a movie marathon. We only got to watch three films--
Sin City,
A Very Long Engagement, and
Starsky and Hutch--all of which I enjoyed immensely (alongside the best movie food we could think of: PIZZA! If I could turn into a pizza, I probably would have already). It was just kinda funny how they left at around 8pm after our last movie. We all had stuff to do, not to mention work/school to think about the very next day. Dang, aren't we getting old!? Gone are the days when we could stay up and chat the night away like there's no tomorrow.
Goofing around during dinner
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