Sunday, September 25, 2005
Dare me to move
I just heard what used to be my mantra roughly a year ago: the song
Dare You to Move by Switchfoot. I realized how timely it was for me to hear it again. That song helped me keep pressing on even during the toughest trials of the previous year; it still has that same effect even to this day. I've learned a lot these past three months that I've been working. Can't even believe it's already been three months! So long as I keep working for God and not for men, I can rest assured in His promise to sustain me the whole way through. Here ends my sulking. It was so unlike me anyway to rant away like I did just recently. I think I'm back to my old (slightly boring. hehehe...) happy self.
Belated Happy Birthday to my cousin, Coco! I can't believe you're 17 already! You know what they say: Life begins at 17. Live it up, sweetie! Love ya.
Oh by the way, y'all should check out Fully Booked at Greenhills Promenade. That is, of course, if you have this strange fascination with books and large shelves like I do. Ok, ok. I AM a nerd.

Coco and me, wearing that constipated look I subconsciously put on when I have to take the picture myself. Heehee...
posted by mari_elle at
Monday, September 19, 2005
I never thought I'd see the day that I'd come home from work feeling completely burnt out. The day has come! It's probably just fatigue. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, considering the fact that my sister and I would get up before the sun even rises just to go to the gym, after which I'd go directly to the office and do the usual thing. I'd hate to think I'm getting tired of this whole routine. In fact, I feel like spanking myself for calling it all a routine. This is so unlike me! I'm not a pessimist. At least I don't think I am. Am I?
Is this what they call the Monday blues? Bleh... Somebody, please give me reason to smile!!! I try to grin, hoping smile therapy would work like it always used to, but I just end up looking constipated.
posted by mari_elle at